"A constellation of original creative works"
(art x science)
It was just a user name to encapsulate the wide variety of content that I find interesting.
I believe that everything in this universe is one, the other or the same.
Science, done well, is artistic.
Art, done well, is scientific.
I'm just an Earthling, since 1984.
This is a constellation of my creative work.
The Latest
2023 February 06: Alternation, Beats From Scratch, and EDM
February 06, 2023 -- I've been quite busy since the last update. I challenged myself to create more music by Live Streaming a new piece of music every week (Thursday Nights and 7pm PST on Twitch). I've created 5 new beats and jumped into a new genre. While searching for new music on Twitch, I have discovered a few EDM DJ's and have bene inspired to approach a new tempo. Since most of my experience with music has been on computers, it's not really a stretch to lean into electronic dance music. Navigating the numerous subgenres has been confusing, though.
I've committed to 145 beats per minute for this current project and have been exploring distributors to get it onto streaming sites, like Spotify and Apple Music. The first single is available for purchase on BandCamp and the artsciencebeats⚡️ social media feeds have been effective.
2023 January 17: I'm Still Around
January 17, 2023 -- Happy New Year, I guess. Is this just an evolutionary thing or is society truly changing this drastically? Is it harder for you to get excited about celebrating the new year? I get the idea of the holiday season. For centuries, when it gets colder, humanity makes their final harvests and prepares to hunker down for the winter. We would collect our grains and vegetables, trade for fruits and meats and exotic spices and hope we had enough to survive until spring. So, the cold season is about being grateful for what we have and appeasing the gods (or GOD, if you insist) to foster some good karma for next year.
That's what I believe all of the cold weather traditions are built on. Is that just not what it used to be, anymore? Any time of the year you can order any kind of exotic food from anywhere in the world. It's like, the thrill is gone. There's no need to appreciate a summer squash, when if you look hard enough, you can find one in January. (Sorry, I'm cooking right now so, food is on my mind.) You get it though, right? I'm all for convenience and progress and prosperity but, whether you wanna argue that it's good or bad, it has certainly changed us.
So, as you can see, I've decide to keep a blog vibe, here. If you scroll down, you will see my ramblings from last year. I'm thinking, let's see how long I can unravel this parchment. *pictures a character saying 'I have a few notes' and unfolding stack of connected computer papers a mile long*
I have begun to work on a WordPress version of this site. I'm sort of torn between the simplicity of Wordpress and the amount of work I've actually done here, with Google Sites. I wonder if I can find value in using them both. It kind of bothers me that there is STILL NO solution for a Comment, Likes, Blog something or other that I can just embed on one of these pages but, I digress.
artscience84 on WordPress:
I've been a bit more active in the studio as of late. You may be picking up on a vibe that I'm still searching for an adequate platform to share my music without sacraficing so much of myself to someone else's website. Music is a bit more tricky as streaming is the way things work, nowadays. I remember when mp3 was the platform. Streaming music is much more efficient but, it can be a bit more of a hassle to get your own music on popular streaming site than it was to get your mp3 on peoples phones and computers. It's still not an entirely dead option but, most people are streaming their music, at least I know I am.
The most exciting development has been my incorporation of GarageBand on the MacOS. My music production picked up again when I got an iPhone in 2019, for the first time in almost a decade. Now, I've begun to import projects and building them in a much more powerful software. It's all free with an iCloud account so, it's actually pretty great. I have a lot to learn but, it's fun and I think it's going well. I've posted a few new instrumentals that I'm excited about and thanks to GarageBand Remix Sessions, I had the opportunity to remix Katy Perry's "Harleys in Hawaii" in a cool way.
I have also tried to integrate some social media, with a TikTok, Instagram, SoundCloud, YouTube, and Twitter presence.
More artsciencebeats⚡️:
Still Shootin'
I haven't been as active with my camera as of late. It's actually been cold and rainy in SoCal, this year. It's kind of exciting. Unfortunately though, it does mean that the roses have actually gone dormant. They could use the break and the water capture system I built is getting a workout. I hope they get the maximum benefit of the extra water as the summer tends to get pretty hot and dry.
Cat and dogs are good. We're enjoying our time off from the social media. Everybody good.
Knowledge is Power!
I think that's it. I passed my courses last term and have started a new 8-week term. I'm learning about Business Communications and Marketing this term. It should be interesting. What have you been up to? HA! You can't answer that! There's no comment section! MWAHAHAHAHA!
Okay, I'm getting hungry.
See You,
Josh - artscience84
2022 November 24: Giving of Thanks Season
November 24, 2022 -- I made turkey, mashed potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, quinoa and broccoli, today. Thank you Great Spirit!
I'm currently looking for a new interface solution for this space. I'm just about completely over social media. I dropped Facebook completely and only miss Instagram on occasion. It was always about the ladies. I kind of want Twitter to work but, I'm worried about it. Reddit almost swayed me but, it's leaning in the wrong direction with their "notification" shenanigans. I hope they don't start abusing our attention with "suggestions as notifications." That shit is annoying, right? I have a lot to say on the matter, and other matters for that matter, but I am currently focused on what matters.
I appreciate everything that Google Sites has provided to this project but, I'm getting tired of creating content for other peoples websites. Popular social media sites make it easier to share content but, it always benefits them before it benefits us. If I create something, I want you to come to my domain to see it. Especially for a creator, we deserve the benefit of our own web traffic. The internet is GIGANTIC and we funnel the whole damn thing through a handful of sites that simply collect it. It was fun for a minute but, they got greedy and started deciding for us.
I'm currently enrolled in online courses so, I spend most of my energy on homework, nowadays. I have not forgot this interface and I still feel creative but, I still want to find the best way to share content for myself and for you. Thanks for coming back, btw. Maybe Wordpress.
Anyway, *knock, knock* still here....